User Guide

This is the user guide for the Home Assistant Custom Component Cookiecutter, a Python template for Home Assistant based on the Integration Blueprint repository.

If you’re in a hurry, check out the quickstart guide.


In progress

About this project


Here is a detailed list of features for this Python template:

  • Ready to use Home Assistant custom component

  • UI configuration with config Flow

  • Translations

  • Development, testing and step by step debugging in Visual Studio Code development container

  • HACS ready

  • Continuous integration with GitHub Actions

  • Settings for pre-commit

You can find a repository created with this cookiecutter template in the cookiecutter-homeassistant-custom-component-instance example.

Release cadence

In progress


In progress

Project creation

In progress

Project overview

This repository contains multiple files, here is a overview:

Files list


Used for development/testing with VSCODE, more info in the readme file in that dir


Template for Feature Requests


Template for issues


Probot settings to control the repository settings.


Tasks for the devcontainer

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/translations/*

Translation files

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/

The component file for the integration

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/

This is a sample API client

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/

Binary sensor platform for the integration

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/

Config flow file, this adds the UI configuration possibilities

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/

A file to hold shared variables/constants for the entire integration

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/manifest.json

A manifest file for Home Assistant.

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/

Sensor platform for the integration

custom_components/[DOMAIN NAME]/

Switch sensor platform for the integration

Guidelines on how to contribute


Screenshot that demonstrate how it might look in the UI

An example on a info file (used by HACS)


The license file for the project

The file you are reading now, should contain info about the integration, installation and configuration instructions


Python packages used by this integration

If you want to use all the potential and features of this blueprint template you should use Visual Studio Code to develop in a container. In this container you will have all the tools to ease your python development and a dedicated Home Assistant core instance to run your integration. See .devcontainer/ for more information.

If you need to work on a Python library in parallel of this integration, there are different options. The following one seems easy to implement:

  • Create a dedicated branch for your python library on a public git repository (example: branch dev)

  • Update in the manifest.json file the requirements key to point on your development branch ( example: "requirements": ["git+"])

  • Each time you need to make a modification to your Python library, push it to your development branch and increase the number of the Python library version in manifest.json file to ensure Home Assistant update the code of the python library. (example "requirements": ["git+https://...==0.0.1beta2"]).

Developing in Visual Studio Code with a development container

The easiest way to get started with custom integration development is to use Visual Studio Code with development containers. This approach will create a preconfigured development environment with all the tools you need.

In the container you will have a dedicated Home Assistant core instance running with your custom component code. You can configure this instance by updating the ./devcontainer/configuration.yaml file.


More info about requirements and devcontainer in general

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository to your computer.

  2. Open the repository using Visual Studio code.

When you open this repository with Visual Studio code you are asked to “Reopen in Container”, this will start the build of the container.

If you don’t see this notification, open the command palette and select ``Remote-Containers: Reopen Folder in Container``.


The devcontainer comes with some useful tasks to help you with development. You can start these tasks by opening the command palette and select Tasks: Run Task then select the one you want to run.

When a task is currently running, it can be restarted by opening the command palette and selecting Tasks: Restart Running Task, then select the task you want to restart.

The available tasks are:

Tasks list



Run Home Assistant on port 9123

Launch Home Assistant with your custom component code and the configuration defined in .devcontainer/configuration.yaml.

Run Home Assistant configuration against /config

Check the configuration.

Upgrade Home Assistant to latest dev

Upgrade the Home Assistant core version in the container to the latest version of the dev branch.

Install a specific version of Home Assistant

Install a specific version of Home Assistant core in the container.

Step by Step debugging

With the development container, you can test your custom component in Home Assistant with step by step debugging.

You need to modify the configuration.yaml file in .devcontainer folder by uncommenting the line:

# debugpy:

Then launch the task Run Home Assistant on port 9123, and launch the debbuger with the existing debugging configuration Python: Attach Local.

For more information, look at the Remote Python Debugger integration documentation.


In progress

GitHub Actions Workflows

In progress

Deploy on HACS

In progress